Online Coaching - A testimonial by Justine Diacomihalis

I stumbled across a podcast early in 2023 with Jarrod as a guest speaker on it talking about competitive freediving, nasal breathing and also applying aerobic and aneaerobic exercise into training for freediving. I instantly knew he was on the same page as me with his approach to fitness and the continuous improvement in oneself.

My partner and I had both been talking about giving a pool freediving competition a go as we both love training and having goals. But my partner was injured and I felt it was time for me to give it a crack on my own. I was first introduced to freediving only recently, during COVID, and I just fell so in love with it. Living in a small town there are not many other free divers that regularly meet up together or train at the pool. No clubs. Nothing really. So I contacted Jarrod in the hope that he did online coaching. And he did! I was so stoked to have something fresh going on in my life. Jarrod was so intuitive to my needs, my background and experience and adapted the program consistently with my set backs as well as with my leaps forward. He was responsive throughout the entire 8 week program via text message and emails and also weekly calls which I found helped a lot.

I’d never tried online coaching with anything before, I love face to face interaction, feedback and analysis but found filming my dives and simply having open honest conversations with Jarrod was just as good as being coached face to face. As long as you can find a buddy a couple times a week you’re pretty much set!

I trusted in him and the process of slow adaptation. I also listened to his recommendation to rest and how important it is. I now absolutely love my rest days and notice how positively my body and mind respond to training after a rest day.

He taught me not to chase a number or time or a wall but to focus on feeling. Once I tapped into that I found growth and adaptation came so naturally. To completely and wholly start to understand the science of your sensations and what your body is going through is the best tool to help your mind relax and surrender.

After the 8 week program I had a crack at the Melbourne Freedivers AIDA Pool comp. I got 3 white cards and 3 pbs. It felt amazing to have had such growth in not only my breath hold and physical ability but in my heart and soul, Jarrod helped me find true purpose in life. I realised I’m not just a mum, a partner. A daughter, a business manager or a carer. I am me. An individual entity that now has ambition and has set new goals! I am no longer putting myself second or to the side in life, it’s such a great feeling to be where I am now and I honestly believe Jarrod played a big part in this realisation.

Being underwater in the silence and completely relying on your own capability to survive answers questions that you have never really asked yourself. And it is these answers that can change your life.

I missed Jarrod’s guidance so much after the comp that I ended up asking to sign up for another couple of blocks of training programs to improve my bi-fins and also a static program.

I had great success in all 3 programs and consider myself my own champion.

Another great lesson Jarrod taught me that I carry with me every day is that I do this for me. No one else. I’m not looking for a Pat on the back. I don’t need to post numbers on social media to feel validated. Because my own progression and commitment to self improvement is enough validation in itself. It is so lovely to have someone proud of your achievements in life and to be recognised for all of your hard work, but it is honestly just the best when you can simply be humble and proud of yourself. I know I am enough.  No matter what result I ever get. The result that is in my heart is what matters most.

Jarrod is just the best mentor, I highly recommend him!!


Why we get breathless and what to do about it.


Sinkhole Brilliance